The sword of Mars

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The sword of Mars

The sword of Mars The sword of Mars is a legendary sword carried by many mighty medieval rulers. The sword first becomes popular when it was possessed by Attila. This is why it is also called the sword of Attila. Some people also call it the sword of God. People believed it gives special powers to its possessor and help them prevail over the enemies in battle. There are many magical stories related to Attila and the time of his reign in 5th century. He managed to subdue all his enemies in Europe and even what was left of the Roman Empire was paying high taxes to Attila. There are tales how he emerged and two fronts of a battle at the same time, which leads people to the thought that he might have had a twin brother. Right after the time of Attila ends, the sword is brought to the island of England. It is believed that this is the same sword which is there called Excalibur. There is a legend telling how the person who brought the sword to these new lands has used a magical spell to insert the sword into a stone. Then only a chosen warrior can take out the sword. Eventually the new owner of the sword is King Arthur. The legendary king has established himself as one of the most powerful leaders on the island in history. He has lead the local residents of Britain against the invading Anglo-Saxons in 5th to early 6th century.
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