This is a snowman made of pure white snow. The snowman is associated with the Christmas holidays and the New Year. Children usually make snowmen to celebrate the first snow or as a kind of winter game for fun. The simplest snowman consists of 2 or 3 parts that represent large snowballs - the largest serves as a base, then the others are placed on top of each other in size. Sometimes branches are used for hands, but the snowman can also be without hands. The snowman can hold a shovel or broom as an added decoration. Coal is most often used for the snowman's eyes, a carrot can be used for the nose, and small pebbles for the mouth. He has a hat on his head and a scarf around his neck. January 18 has been chosen as International Snowman Day. This date was chosen because the one symbolizes the broom and the eight the body of the snowman.