Silver pear

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Silver pear

Silver pear This is a pear made of silver. Silver is a precious metal that is very valuable for the production of coins, paintings, souvenirs and other items. The metal is found in the earth's crust in pure, free elemental form, as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals. Most of the world's silver is produced as a by-product of the refining of copper, gold, lead and zinc. Silver exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and reflectivity of all metals. Because of this, it finds many applications. The unique properties of silver make it highly sought after for technical applications, it is difficult to replace by other cheaper alternatives. Its thermal and electrical conductor qualities make it suitable for a variety of applications in the electrical industry, including the manufacture of switches, multilayer ceramic capacitors, conductive adhesives and contacts, as well as the assembly of electrically heated automotive windows. Silver has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, similar to metals such as copper and brass. Silver has the ability to fight microorganisms and bacteria that could be harmful to the human body. For thousands of years, silver jewelry has been used as protection against infection in many different cultures. In addition to the healing properties that were attributed to silver in ancient times, people believed that it also had magical properties. It is considered a precious metal that is directly related to the cult of the moon and the feminine. Based on this, it was believed that a woman who wears silver jewelry gets a new source for recharging her feminine energy. In ancient times, amulets and magical talismans were created from silver, as means of protection from evil spirits and various antidotes. Ancient people believed in the miraculous properties of silver, and this led to the emergence of many myths and legends. So, for example, to this day there are beliefs that a werewolf can be killed with a silver bullet, a silver cross protects against a vampire, and any silver jewelry is a protection against ridiculous accidents leading to injury, evil eyes and love spells.
won Win Silver pear, by collecting 3000 points in the game Snake Adventure.
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