Rugby ball

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Rugby ball

Rugby ball This is a leather rugby ball. Rugby is a type of ball game similar to soccer, with the difference that the ball can also be passed with the hands. The goal of the players is to reach the opponent's goal area or score a goal in the H-goal. At first, this game was played in England, and after official rules of the game were adopted, it began to be played in more and more countries. A rugby-like game called American football is very popular in America. International rugby matches have been organized since the end of the 19th century, but it was not until 1987 that a World Cup tournament was organized for the first time. More and more countries are added to the list of those participating in the championship. Television audiences for international matches are large and it is predicted that the game will be watched by even more people in the future. In rugby there are 15 players from each team and different skills are needed for each position. People of all sizes are attracted to the sport because some positions require larger people and others are filled by smaller people. 15-a-side rugby is played on a field no longer than 100 m long and 70 m wide, most often with a grass surface, but also sand, clay, snow or artificial grass. The ball has an oval shape with a length of 30 cm. It is made of leather or artificial material. The goal in rugby is for each of the two teams on the field to score as many points as possible by moving the ball in their hands or with their feet. The goal of the team in possession of the ball is to hold onto it and move forward to score points. If it fails to do so, the team loses possession of the ball to the opposing team. During the game, each player can pick up the ball and run with it, pass it to another player, and block (hold) an opponent holding the ball. A player is not allowed to pass the ball forward with his hand. Points are scored when the ball is caught by a player in the opponent's scoring field, which carries 5 points and the right to an additional kick in the goal - 2 points. A kick goal during the game is scored in two ways, after a free kick and after a free kick, which carry 3 points.
won Win Rugby ball, by collecting 600 points in the game Rugby Rush.
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