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Rose This is a beautiful red rose. Roses are one of the most beautiful and widely cultivated flowers. They are used for decoration, and girls all over the world like to receive them as a symbol of attention and love. The rose has many different varieties. Most of the varieties of roses are obtained as a result of long selection through repeated crossing and selection. Some cultivars are forms of wild species. The rose is also highly valued as a raw material for the production of rose oil. Some of the most expensive products in perfumery use rose oil extract. For the first time in history, the rose was mentioned by the famous historian Herodotus, who told about the Thracian king Midas in Phrygia (Blegia). To this day, roses are produced in the old lands of the Thracians, in the lands of their successors in the oldest country of modern Europe - Bulgaria. A huge proportion of the world's roses are produced there, and they produce highly prized rose oil, used in expensive high-end perfumes and cosmetics.
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