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Robot This is a small robot with artificial intelligence. A robot is an automatically controlled machine that can perform certain tasks independently, almost always with the help of electronic parts and programmed instructions. Through their appearance and movements, robots often give the impression that they have their own intentions and independent ability to act. The word "robot" is derived from the word "rabota", which means work. It was first used by the writer Karel Čapek in one of his plays, published in 1920. The word robot is used in a general sense for any machine that imitates human actions in a physical or mental sense. Robots are usually used to perform tasks too monotonous or dangerous for humans. Industrial robots used in industrial production are the most common variant. The first robot arm is a device that can move along 6 axes and was developed in the city of Augsburg in 1973. Consumer robots that clean the floor or mow the lawn are also gradually appearing. Other applications include ocean and space exploration, surgery, mining, rescue operations, searching for anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Robots are also making their way into the entertainment industry and home healthcare. They can be controlled by a human or act in accordance with an embedded decision-making capability provided by artificial intelligence. Most existing robots fall between these two extreme categories and are controlled by programmed computers. Such robots may contain feedback to interact with the environment, but possess no actual intelligence.
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