This is a sweet rainbow-swirl lollipop. Lollipops are available in a number of colors and flavors, particularly fruit flavors. With numerous companies producing lollipops, the candy now comes in dozens of flavors and many different shapes. Lollipops can range from very small candies bought in bulk and given away as a courtesy at banks, barbershops, and other locations, to very large treats made from candy canes twisted into a spiral shape. Most lollipops are eaten at room temperature, but "ice lollipops", "ice lollies", or "popsicles" are frozen water-based lollipops. Similar confections on a stick made of ice cream, often with a flavored coating, are usually not called by this name. Lollipops can be used to carry medicines. Some lollipops have been marketed for use as diet aids, although their effectiveness is untested, and anecdotal cases of weight loss may be due to the power of suggestion. Flavored lollipops containing medicine are intended to give children medicine without fuss.