This is a delicious and juicy red pomegranate. The pomegranate is a fruit-bearing woody plant that reaches up to 5 - 10 meters. The pomegranate grows in dry areas and does not like moisture, as it is attacked by diseases in such soil. Pomegranate is defined as a "medicine" and an "antibiotic" that greatly strengthens the immune system and protects against various diseases. With some of its ingredients, it is good for the heart, lowers cholesterol, helps prevent cancer cells from developing and balances blood sugar. It also contains many antioxidants. Pomegranate peel contains an alkaloid, tannin and glycoside that help fight worms. Also, the bark is a "killer" of viruses and microbes. It also helps with skin infections and wounds. Another property of pomegranate is that it gives energy and removes fatigue. People with low blood pressure should not drink pomegranate juice because it has the property of lowering blood pressure. In folklore, the pomegranate is a symbol of love and marriage. It is believed that whoever ate of its fruit, given by someone else, would never be forgotten.