Magnifying glass

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Magnifying glass

Magnifying glass This is an exquisite gold-framed magnifying glass that even Sherlock Holmes would envy. A magnifying glass is an optical instrument with a biconvex lens that is used to observe small objects. Magnifiers are used, for example, by detectives in their investigations so that they can see all the small details. Such magnifying lenses are used to make telescopes, through which one can look very far into the depths of space. Such lenses were used thousands of years ago. There are finds from ancient Assyria from 3000 years ago that show how they gained their knowledge of space. Finds in southeastern Europe from more than 7,000 years ago show data about space that could only be obtained using such lenses. However, the lenses themselves from this time have not been preserved, probably due to the much longer time span. For example, ancient inscriptions preserved on stones claim that Siruis is a system that consists of two stars. The naked eye perceives Sirius as a single star. Even modern science proves the existence of the two stars several decades ago, which gives the impression that people in the past had very good technology at their disposal.
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