Lilies are beautiful flowers, a genus of plants in the Lilium family. The lily has been cultivated by people for a long time. Numerous cultivars have been created that are grown in parks and gardens. Most of the cultivated varieties are propagated by tubers. Until the 19th century, only the white variety of the flower was known in Europe. The pinks and yellows were brought later from Asia. There are nearly 90 varieties in the most amazing colors. There are many legends associated with these beautiful flowers. When shooting stars touch the earth's surface, they turn into lily flowers. This legend gave the lily another name "Star of the Earth". Admiration of this flower not only gave birth to legends, but left its images on Assyrian and ancient Egyptian monuments. It later found expression on currency notes. The lily also has a very strong meaning in ancient Eastern teachings related to the mother goddess. Subsequently, this sign was also adopted by Western societies, such as one of the first French families, which founded today's France, abandoned its old coat of arms in the form of a frog and adopted the lily as its sign.