Ice cubes

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Ice cubes

Ice cubes These are ice cubes from the North Pole. Ice is water frozen into a solid state, typically forming at or below temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius. Depending on the presence of impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air, it can appear transparent or a more or less opaque bluish-white color. Ice is abundant on Earth's surface – particularly in the polar regions. On the north pole for example there is no land, it's all ice that's floating on top of the Arctic Ocean. Ice plays a key role in Earth's water cycle and climate. It falls as snowflakes and hail or occurs as frost, icicles or ice spikes and aggregates from snow as glaciers and ice sheets. In daily life ice is also very useful. It can be used to cool down drinks or to make delicious ice-cream.
won Win Ice cubes, by collecting 40 points in the game Arctic Pong.
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