This is a golden playing card Queen of Spades. The queen is one of the strongest cards in a deck. A complete set of playing cards is also called a deck. The cards in a deck are of the same shape and size. The cards are also used for fortune-telling and divination. For most modern games, the usual 52-card deck or its shortened version of 7 to Ace is used. Many games use special decks. The deck may also contain additional joker cards. The cards are divided into 4 suits - hearts, diamonds, spades and spades. Each suit consists of 13 cards, which, in order of increasing strength, are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Depending on the rules of the game, the order may differ. The Queen of Spades playing card has a special meaning. Despite the terrible legend of the Queen of Spades, millions of children around the world feel the urge to call upon her at least once. The legend tells of a beautiful girl from a small village who was liked by all the young men. However, she didn't like anyone and sent away all the fools. They in turn decided to take revenge and hurt the girl by driving her out of the village. The girl wandered and found a witch teacher who taught her various spells. Later, she returned to the village and took revenge on the miscreants who chased her away from her native village. Before she left this world she transferred all her dark powers into a mirror with which she could be summoned.