Golden crown

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Golden crown

Golden crown This is a solid gold crown with precious stones. Crowns have been used since ancient times as a symbol of the power of rulers. Coronation is the ceremony of the monarch's formal accession to power. It usually involves placing a crown on his head and presenting other symbols of authority. When stepping into power, a special coronation ritual is performed. This process can include both secular and religious ritual. Power in a monarchy is usually inherited. But this is not the case in all eras and nationalities. There are nations in which the heir to the crown is chosen based on merit and qualities. Usually, the strongest families send out candidates for the throne, with the strongest of them getting the chance to rule. In most cases, the monarch has mainly administrative tasks, but in some nations the head of the nation also enters into battles, with a strictly specified hierarchy of direct successors in advance. In the Middle Ages, this form of government was very common. As a result of a number of revolutions and reforms, the form of government has been changed in many countries. Currently, about 40 countries in the world still have monarchs as heads of state. The historical form of absolute monarchy is practiced only in Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Eswatini and the Vatican.
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