It is a pure 24 karat gold coffee bean. Drinks made from coffee are loved by millions of people around the world. Raw coffee beans are one of the most important agricultural commodities for international trade. It is believed that the tonic effect of the seeds of the coffee tree was discovered in Yemen and the northeastern parts of Ethiopia, after which it began to be cultivated in other parts of the world. The oldest reliable record of coffee drinking is from the mid-15th century and refers to Sufi communities in Yemen. From the Arab countries it spread to Italy and then to the rest of Europe and to America. The fruits of the coffee tree, which contain the coffee beans, are harvested from several species of small evergreen shrubs. The two most commonly grown species are the highly prized Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, the beans of which are also known as robusta. Today, the largest producer of coffee is Brazil. After ripening, the fruits are peeled, processed and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, according to the desired taste, ground and boiled to produce the coffee drink. Because of its caffeine content, coffee acts as a stimulant for humans and has become one of the most popular beverages in the world. Medical research provides conflicting results on the health effects of coffee, which may depend largely on the method of preparation. The tonic effect of coffee is short, and then the opposite effect often occurs. According to some medical reports, caffeine causes serious damage to the human immune system, so caution should be taken with its use.