This is a collectible egg made in the shape of a Fabergé egg. A Fabergé egg is any of the 68 egg-shaped pieces of jewelry made by Peter Carl Fabergé and his company for Russian tsars and private collectors between 1885 and 1917. Fifty-four of the eggs are best known. , called "imperial", which were commissioned by Tsar Alexander III and Nicholas II as an Easter gift for their wives and mother, 52 of them are presented as Easter eggs. Seven of the eggs were made for the Kelch family of Moscow. Carl Faberge and his company's jewelers created the first egg in 1885. It was commissioned by Emperor Alexander III as an Easter surprise for his wife Maria Feodorovna. The so-called "Chicken" is covered on the outside with white enamel imitating a shell, and inside a matte gold "yolk" is a colored gold chicken. Inside the hen, in turn, are hidden a small replica of the imperial crown, made of gold with diamonds and a chain with a ruby medallion (reminiscent of the folding matryoshka tradition). The empress was so charmed by the gift that Fabergé, who became court jeweller, was commissioned to make an egg every year; it had to be unique and contain some surprise, that was the only condition. The next emperor, Nicholas II, continued this tradition by giving two eggs in turn each spring - one to Maria Feodorovna, his widowed mother, and the second to Alexandra Feodorovna, the new empress. Eggs are made of gold, silver, precious stones, etc. Enamels and fine jewelry are used. Sometimes craftsmen experiment with not very traditional materials - mountain crystal, precious trees. Proof of authenticity is the Fabergé mark.