Egyptian nemes

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Egyptian nemes

Egyptian nemes It is a nemes combined with a cobra-adorned crown that was worn by pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. Nemes is a type of headscarf with blue and yellow stripes and sometimes with long ends falling in front on either side of the head. It covers the entire head and a large part of the neck. The oldest nemes was found during the 1st Dynasty, it was most widely worn during the 3rd Dynasty, and ceased to be worn during the Ptolemies. Nemes is not a crown, but it has the same symbolism in Egypt. The nemes was worn only by the pharaohs, as a symbol of power that separated them from the commoners and other ordinary people. To the general public, he is known from the golden mask of Tutankhamun and from the great sphinx of Giza. Nemes is sometimes combined with a double crown decorated with a cobra, as can be seen on the statues of Ramesses 2 at Abu Simbel. The double crown is a symbol of the unification of Upper Egypt (white crown) and Lower Egypt (red).
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