This is a virtual collection of flowers. Flower is a general term that covers all shrubby or herbaceous plants that reproduce by means of flowers. Colors have an aesthetic function in people's daily lives. They are also used as a gift, so the word also refers to the color of such a plant that has been torn off along with part of the stem. A flower is a reproductive organ in angiosperms. Therefore, they are also called flowering plants. Flowers can be unisexual or bisexual. Unisexual flowers can be monoecious or dioecious. Monoecious arrangement means that flowers of both sexes are arranged on one plant. Dioecious means that flowers of only one sex are borne on a plant, so the plant can be either male or female. With the beauty of the inflorescences and the variety of colors, shapes and fragrances, flowers have attracted people since ancient times and are permanently present in their lives, customs and beliefs. Growing and using flowers is a response to man's desire to recreate the beauty of nature and keep it closer to him. In China 3000 years before the new era, roses and chrysanthemums were grown en masse, and they were used not only for decoration, but also in cooking. In ancient India, parks and private gardens were a place of rest and recuperation. The Thracians are known for the ancient Orpheus flower, which is one of the few plants that survived the Ice Age. The flower of Orpheus lives to this day in the Rhodope Mountains, inhabited by the descendants of the mythical Thracian. Scientists believe that the survival of the Orpheus flower after the ice age is due to its extraordinary properties. It can fall into anabiosis, which is a state of apparent death. If part of the flower dries up, it can sprout again if it is wetted and planted.

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