This is a star to decorate the Christmas tree. Usually the star is depicted with five rays, it can be placed to decorate the top of the Christmas tree. Such stars are used as symbols in flags, a symbol of glory, or military and political symbols. The Christmas star symbolizes the winter solstice. At this day in ancient times, the new year was also celebrated, since from that moment the day begins to enlarge again. This meaning of this day has been transformed in different ways and is adopted by many different religions as the importance of this date is great in people's lives. According to information from ancient texts, the Christian prophet and son of God Jesus Christ was born in spring, but nevertheless the church celebrates his birth also on Christmas, thus placing him as equal to the sun and achieving his deification. The meaning of one of the old names of this holiday - Koleda, is also associated with the sun itself, because the name of this word can be explained by the meaning of the word circle, which directly symbolizes the round sun. From there originates also the word calendar which is now still used in many languages around the world.