This is a set of boxing gloves. Boxing is a type of contact sport in which players strike each other with special gloves. The fight is divided into 12 rounds and is controlled by a judge. A victory is awarded when the opponent is knocked down and cannot get up for 10 seconds, or if he suffers an injury that prevents him from continuing the fight. If after the end of the rounds the fight is not stopped, then the winner is determined by judges' evaluations. Boxing has been around for 5,000 years and more as a brutal and raw martial art. There is no doubt that the development of boxing as an art of self-defense and a competitive sport is related to the ancient sports games. As now, in ancient times, competitions were one of the main stimulators for the development and popularization of individual sports. Interesting are the data of some authors who indicate that the participants in this era used leather gloves smeared with oil, they knew the leather sack as a means of training and for developing striking power. Some even used protective leather hats and protective teeth guards that were similar to modern ones. The difference between ancient fist fighting and modern boxing is huge. Back then there were no weight classes, rounds were not defined by number or duration, the soft gloves of today were absent, prohibited strikes and actions were not strictly specified. Professional boxing, already established as a means of large profits, penetrated all European countries and America. In it, rule changes became very difficult and slow; dominated by the desire to preserve boxing's spectacular character. Meetings for the world title began to alternate, which, along with the huge profits, kept the interest of thousands of boxing supporters. However, the best did not always win. The big bets involved bribing some starving boxers who lost on purpose. Others were threatened to do the same.