This is a black billiard ball. Billiard is a game where a cue is used to strike balls on a cloth-covered table. The aim of the game is to put the balls in the wholes. The player can hit only the white ball with the cue. Billiard balls vary from game to game, in size, design and quantity. The classic billiard game has sets of two suits of object balls, seven solids and seven stripes, a black ball and a cue ball. The goal in billiads is to put the balls of one set of balls in the wholes and in the end to put the black ball in a hole. Billiards has a long history from its inception in the 15th century. It has been mentioned in the works of Shakespeare, in example in Antony and Cleopatra (1606–07). Enthusiasts of the sport include Mozart, Marie Antoinette, Immanuel Kant, Napoleon, Mark Twain. Billiard balls have been made from many different materials since the start of the game, including clay, bakelite, celluloid, crystallite, ivory, plastic, steel and wood. The dominant material from 1627 until the early 20th century was ivory. The search for a substitute for ivory use was not for environmental concerns, but based on economic motivation and fear of danger for elephant hunters.