1 000 000 Check

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1 000 000 Check

1 000 000 Check This is a virtual check for a million. This is the biggest prize from one of the most popular television game - Who wants to be a millionaire? According to the rules of the game, the participant answers questions, and for each there is a choice of four answer options - A, B, C, or D. One is the correct answer, the other three are wrong. The classic format of the game is with the so-called "Money Tree" of 15 questions. There are three certain amounts that the player cannot lose. With a correct answer to a previous question, the participant can abandon the game of the current question in order not to risk his winnings. During the game, the participant has the right to use jokers. The classic format has three jokers: "Audience Help", "50 / 50" (two wrong answers are eliminated) and "Call a friend". If all 15 questions are answered correctly, the participant becomes the winner and wins the prize of 1,000,000. Before the actual game, 10 selected participants compete in the "Fastest Wins" round. In it, the players arrange in the correct order the answers to the question asked by the presenter. The player with the fastest answer wins the right to compete for the grand prize.
won Win 1 000 000 Check, by collecting 1000000 points in the game Win 1 Million.
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jorko93 won 1 000 000 Check
LikeLikeItems 4 months ago
kab00m won 1 000 000 Check
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benito won 1 000 000 Check
LikeLikeItems 2 years ago
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