Chica Vampiro is a Colombian teen telenovela broadcasted by Nickelodeon. Daisy O'Brian is the main character in the show. Daisy is normal girl who dreams of a singing career. Her parents are vampires, and they have to decide to become a vampire when one turns 16. Daisy decides to stay human to live next to her beloved Max, who is her neighbor and classmate. However a tragic accident happens and the parents of Daisy have to bite her in order for her to survive. The role of Daisy in Chica Vampiro is played by the actress Greeicy Rendón, and Max is played by Santiago Talledo. Play the best Chica Vampiro games online. recommends you Chica Vampiro games, entertaining online games. There are 3 Chica Vampiro games, new games will be added soon in this games category. Browse through all the games and play your favorite Chica Vampiro games. You can share the Chica Vampiro games with your friends and play together with them. We have a very large collection of games for girls and boys. If you know a Chica Vampiro game that is still not present on this site, you can tell us about it on our facebook page and we will try to publish it as soon as possible.
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