Adventure Time Candy Dive

Online games Skydiving games

Adventure Time Candy Dive

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Adventure Time Candy Dive

Adventure Time Candy Dive
Adventure Time Candy Dive Play with Jake and Finn from Adventure time and dive in the sky full of candies. Control the cartoon characters and collect as many candies as you can.

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Golden medal
Points 62179
Silver medal
Points 53099
Bronze medal
Points 51834
Points 48579
Points 48127
Points 47701
Points 43681
Points 43297
Points 41683
Points 38977
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Adventure Time Candy Dive

qrcode Play online Adventure Time Candy Dive in - web site for games online.

Adventure Time Candy Dive is a game online with skydiving, adventure time, jake and finn, collect, cartoon network, cartoon, mobile, in category Arcade.

You can play the game Adventure Time Candy Dive in fullscreen mode by using the fullscreen button located on the top right side of the game screen. If you like this game you can rate it with rating from one to five using the stars in the description.

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The game has active highscore table, win as many points as you can and save your game score. Each rating gives you points for the general ranking in the site.

The game Adventure Time Candy Dive can be run on a mobile phone or a tablet. Scan the code in the description to open the game on a mobile device.

If the game Adventure Time Candy Dive is not working make sure that you have one of the browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Edge. Reload the page and wait for the game to load. If the game is still not working you can notify us by using the link report broken game so we can try to fix it.

The game is played 12K times.

Latest game events

special voted with 5 points
LikeLikeVoting 1 month ago
special won 62179 points (1 place)
LikeLikePoints 1 month ago
KMOH_is_COOL won 34546 points (14 place)
LikeLikePoints 11 months ago
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Good Evening All,
Please can the following reply on how you found this game to be.
@OkayToBeWhite @Nora @preslava @jenn @blade @demon666 @Nehana @Raashi_Khanna @julian @demon1666 @Kami75rr @Kami75rrr @anni @paralelen @martinstoj @Katq @katja @jopra @Sorgenlosesusi @suzi777 @Anchauvi @Kaveri @Livana @Sweety @johnbas66 @cherry @Tea @Doercen
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Hi @goodevening
I am sorry to inform you that it is a good afternoon here in the UK but nevertheless.
This game is really good and I have also added it in my favourites list.
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why do you register with a different name to ask this question? Happy
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what makes you say that?
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@Raashi_Khanna sorry that was not addressed to you Happy but obviously whoever wrote the comment, is not a newly registered user, since he knows already so many other users.. Happy
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Oh, I'm sorry. Misunderstood you there
@blade Happy
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No, I'm newly registered only. When I didn't have an account I used to see the top players list and then I finally decided to create one, that's why I know a lot of players already and I have followed your paintio conversation fully. Happy Happy
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To be more precise, this is the link to the page
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I am sure the system will see in the comming days if you are using more accounts, there is bann for such users. Otherwise welcome to the site Happy
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Oh, Okay! I didn't know that Hmm... But it doesn't matter because I only have one account Happy
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I hope you do Happy
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thanks a lot for your second sentence Thumb up
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seriously, why are you so suspicious about me
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and you still have not replied to the main question that I asked
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if you insist, I think it's a nice game Happy what do you think?
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If you insist then it is a lovely game and I love the effects. I usually try using the parachute since a freefall might result in touching the wand and you going down. I like the candies and the way they look since they are quite different to the ones that we eat{ at least what I eat } which look pretty oval shaped to me and they look tasty and they are tasty but since the coronavirus is around you have to wait in long queues to get around the shopping business and UK supermarkets have even reinforced a two metres distance rule since health officials are saying that the corona cannot spread if you are at least two metres apart. I am sure Raashi_Khanna will agree with this statement since she is a UK resident herself. Hope all is clear and please answer my question regarding the fact that Why are you so suspicious at me for which I have still not received a response for yet. Thanks a lot blade. Hope it helps. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up
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I like this game because it is colourful and engaging to play. Thanks a lot
Livana @blade @Raashi_Khanna @goodevening
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Certainly, there is no reason to actually be suspicious on him. he does look like he is telling the truth and I think it is best to leave it at that. Raashi_Khanna seems to have proposed a peace agreement at paintio teams so it would be nice if you could agree to that too. Thanks. @blade @Raashi_Khanna @goodevening Thumb up
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Good Evening
Thanks for wanting to ask me
I like this game because of the effects. they are really nice
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like this game though
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takes a heck a lot of time to load though
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Yes. I agree with you Raashi. It takes such a long time but the game is very good and pretty engaging to play
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good game
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