Slide a Lama

Online games ICQ games

Slide a Lama

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 3.9 5 (469 votes)

Slide a Lama

Slide a Lama Play Slide a lama and make a combination of blocks. The game can be played by two players on one computer. It cannot be played over the network.

- use the mouse to play
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Slide a Lama

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Slide a Lama is a game online with icq games, matching, in category Puzzle.

You can play the game Slide a Lama in fullscreen mode by using the fullscreen button located on the top right side of the game screen. If you like this game you can rate it with rating from one to five using the stars in the description.

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The game is played 490K times.

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Anneli voted with 1 points
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Pepi_3008 added the game in Favourite games
LikeLike 1 year ago
Zetor added the game in Favourite games
LikeLike 1 year ago
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Kann man slide a lama auch gegen einen freund spielen?
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Es gibt eine andere Version des Spiels auf der Site, die mit einem Freund online gespielt werden kann - es wird in der Liste mit ähnlichen Spielen über dem Spielfenster angezeigt. Dieses Spiel kann von zwei Spielern an einem Computer gespielt werden.
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how to invite a friend?
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There is one more version of this game which can be played with a friend online, have a look in the similar games displayed on top of the game window. This game can be played with a friend on one computer. Happy
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