Flappy Colors
Tap to fly with the ball in this online game similar to flappy bird. You must hit the correct colors in each barrier in order to proceed. Your ball changes color each time when it hits the correct wall. You can save your score at the end of the game. The "End Game" button resets the game progress.
- use the mouse to play
Flappy Colors
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NayantharaR won 3840 points (1 place)
Like 1 year ago
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Just match the ball to the bar that has the same color as the ball. U can always do it again and again until you reached the goal you wanted. Reply Like
Just match the ball to the bar that has the same color as the ball. U can always do it again and again until you reached the goal you wanted. Reply Like
@Raashi_Khanna. What is the trouble that you are having with this game? It is very very simple. You just have to keep tapping until the colour ball hits its respective colored bar. Nothing is too complicated here I hope and like @444444 said you just need to keep tapping and play until you get your intended personal best score. I didn't get it the first time either but now I have seem to have got a very good hang of things however, I will not be playing this game anymore as I am extremely bored of it having tried to get a score past 1000. I would think that I have played this game nearly a billion times and my personal best record sitting today at 200. Hope that this will help you and hoping that you will get a high-score one day Raashi Khanna. Make sure to take care and to stay safe!
Keerthi K. Rai Reply Like
Keerthi K. Rai Reply Like
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