Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack

Online games Papa Louie games

Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack

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Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack

Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack
Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack Sandaes have kidnapped Papa Louie and his customers and now Rita must rescue them in this third installment of the game online. Jump on the platforms and hit the enemies in order to defeat the bad sandae products which has gone wild.

- move
- attack
Video walkthrough

Golden medal
Points 20125
Silver medal
Points 13847
Bronze medal
Points 9600
Points 9325
Points 7970
Points 3225
Points 2890
Points 2810

Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack

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Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack is a game online with papa louie, platform, in category Arcade.

You can play the game Papa Louie 3 When Sundaes Attack in fullscreen mode by using the fullscreen button located on the top right side of the game screen. If you like this game you can rate it with rating from one to five using the stars in the description.

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The game is played 15K times.

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veni164 voted with 5 points
LikeLikeVoting 1 month ago
pedroa9 voted with 5 points
LikeLikeVoting 4 years ago
pedroa9 added the game in Favourite games
LikeLike 4 years ago
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im stuck underwater. its not letting me move. wow. just wow.
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Am not getting such a problem but I'm not able to rescue more players. In level 0ne I have managed to rescue Chuck and Yui but I am not able to rescue Hank. I even rescued Utah in Gummy Grotto but not able to finish all the missions and don't have a clue of how many warp keys you need for every mission in a level. Not clear at all and am just stuck with 4 customers and I don't know how to play level3. Can someone please help as I have tried multiple websites with the same problem. Annoying and very annoying Sad
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Please check your messages box for I think I have provided a solution that works for me
P.S. It works for me, I don't know if it will for you
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decoration julian
I've solved almost everything and rescued all heroes, some of them are just very well hidden, but it's a lot of fun to find them Happy
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