Papyrus is a thick paper-like writing material used in antiquity. It can also mean the written document itself, created on such material - most often a manuscript. Papyrus is made from the Cyperus papyrus plant of the same name and was first used by the ancient Egyptians. The orders of the pharaohs were written on the highest quality papyri. In ancient times, wild papyrus was widespread in the Nile Valley, nowadays it is almost no longer found. It allows In the preparation of the writing sheets, the stems of the papyrus are stripped of the bark and cut into thin strips lengthwise. The resulting strips are spread on a flat surface. They put other strips on top of them at a right angle and clamp them with a press. After drying, the resulting sheet is pounded with a hammer. Several sheets are pasted into a scroll made up of two layers – one with horizontal fibers (face), another with vertical fibers (back), which are wound on two wooden handles attached to both ends of the scroll. The invention of papyrus is an extraordinary discovery in human history. It is more durable than previously used for writing skins and allows the long-term storage of the writing.