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If you insist then it is a lovely game and I love the effects. I usually try using the parachute since a freefall might result in touching the wand and you going down. I like the candies and the way they look since they are quite different to the ones that we eat{ at least what I eat } which look pretty oval shaped to me and they look tasty and they are tasty but since the coronavirus is around you have to wait in long queues to get around the shopping business and UK supermarkets have even reinforced a two metres distance rule since health officials are saying that the corona cannot spread if you are at least two metres apart. I am sure Raashi_Khanna will agree with this statement since she is a UK resident herself. Hope all is clear and please answer my question regarding the fact that Why are you so suspicious at me for which I have still not received a response for yet. Thanks a lot blade. Hope it helps. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up
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